Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Did I urinate or did my water break?

So I'm 36.5 weeks pregnant, and 2cm dilated. I was sitting on the couch watching television, and I had to sneeze, so I did. As I did I felt a fluid come out, not a lot, but not so little either. I thought I urinated, so I went to the bathroom. I tried to pee, but nothing happened. Then when I stood a tiny bit of fluid trickled again, and it was clear and odorless. My urine, even when I'm well hydrated, still has a little bit of a yellow color, and a faint odor. This had absolutely no color, and no odor at all. I can't tell if I ruptured a small tear in my amniotic sac, or if I just peed a little.....has anyone gone through this before? Since then there's been no leaking, but I'm still concerned.

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